Does ChatGPT is even flawless? Or it has a few limitations?

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ChatGPT has been the hottest topic since its launch in November 2022 in the world of digital technology. While looking into the deep insights of ChatGPT, it has been found that the latest Artificial intelligence chatbot does not always provide you with the more accurate and flawless results.

People are aware that ChatGPT has the ability to perform multiple tasks, including generating text, rewriting the content, translating languages, and even generating programming scripts. For this reason, it has become more popular in no time all over the world. However, besides this, it has another side, which is based on the cons and challenges of using such AI trained model, which can negatively impact its accuracy and performance.

A better understanding of the probable challenges and limitations of considering artificial intelligence models in different circumstances could be gained smoothly through understanding the drawbacks of ChatGPT. The top 10 major limitations of ChatGPT are listed within this blog to have a glance at, ranging from its incapability to understanding difficult circumstances to the dependence on data biases.

Lack of Human Sense

One of the biggest drawbacks of using chatGPT includes a lack of knowledge as it is obvious that it is a human-made tool, which human trains, so it can not perform like a human brain with 100% accuracy. It does not have the same common sense as humans and the huge knowledge, which means that it sometimes might deliver an inaccurate and senseless response to certain situations and questions asked by the users.

Inaccuracies and Errors

For now, the sensitivity of the ChatGPT to grammar and spelling mistakes is quite limited. It might also produce typos in the material. It also generates that are correct technically, but they are supposed to be inaccurate in the context of relevancy. This could be the major limitation while dealing with complex tasks, where accuracy and relevancy are important. It is recommended to critically evaluate and verify the outcomes generated by the ChatGPT.

Data Biases

The data for the ChatGPT is trained on a big dataset, which might generate prejudiced or unintentionally biased responses because of the data biases.

Ethical Concerns and Issues

This is one of the main drawbacks of ChatGPT that various educational institutions have strictly prohibited. Moreover, allowing an individual, specifically students, to use it within the educational premises raises security and privacy concerns about data as it might be leaked or breached.

Lack of Context Understanding

ChatGPT is not more accurate at understanding the context, specifically humour and sarcasm. It can strive to grasp the delicate tones of an individual’s communication while being proficient in natural processing language. For instance, if a person puts sarcasm as input in their text, the ChatGPT might not understand the meaning of the intention and respond irrelevantly.

Knowledge Limitation

At the time of the ChatGPT launch, it had only information on the incidents that occurred till 2021. However, the developers have released notes and updated the information. Still, the users should know that chatGPT has outdated datasets that make access to factual data limited.

Lack of Multitasking

ChatGPT has been the best while working on a single task. Once it comes to handling multiple tasks simultaneously, it fails to perform accurately. It struggles to arrange the tasks based on its priorities, leading to decreased accuracy and efficiency.

Lack of Sentence Structuring

ChatGPT cannot generate structured sentences in the content right now. It is appropriate for creating short sentences like bullets, summarised content, and brief descriptions. However, it troubles producing lengthy sentence structures.

Computational Power and Costs

The popular AI model ChatGPT is developed in highly sophisticated and complex artificial intelligence language, necessitating computational resources to operate effectively. That means the model is quite expensive and might require special software and hardware systems. Furthermore, using ChatGPT on lower-end systems with limited power could lead to a slower processing time, less accuracy, and other issues of performance.

Paid Features

The recent updates of the chatGPT have gone paid in which the performance has been improved while considering the accuracy and optimising the creativity with the Alpha speed. But all these advances are not valid for free accounts.


With the advances in technology, it must have a few drawbacks and the same with the ChatGPT. Since it launched in November 2022, the system has released 6 updates; it is still in the phase of advancing. Even though the model has released its paid version with some advanced features, it also is not 100% accurate. Consequently, ChatGPT, along with its advantages, possess a few limitations that are required to be addressed. The developers on their website themselves say:

“GPT-4 still has many known limitations that we are working to address, such as social biases, hallucinations, and adversarial prompts. We encourage and facilitate transparency, user education, and wider AI literacy as society adopts these models. We also aim to expand the avenues of input people have in shaping our models.”
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